Your annual horoscope 2025
for Capricorn


In 2025 you will find the right person for you.


When you look at the stars in 2025, you're bound to say: "Not bad!" The stars are on your side for half of the year and promise lots of love, success and health.


You are a workaholic. You're on the move from dawn to dusk every day. Even when you sleep, your work never lets you go completely. Venus rules in 2025. This awakens your zest for life and work is no longer quite so important.


Planet Venus is responsible for love in astrology. This means that you, a Capricorn, are not one of the particularly favored ones. Love is not the most important thing in your life. But Venus will change your mind. Love will become more interesting. You will definitely spend more time with your partner. If you are single, the desire to change this will become stronger and you will do more. You may also turn to a dating agency. If you would also like to use the stars to help you, you should become active, especially in April. Venus will accompany you personally and give you what you need to be well received by the opposite sex. If things don't work out (yet), there will be another promising opportunity in June. And in August, the stars predict a meeting with the person who suits you. If you want to coordinate your chances for more love, sex and fun in your partnership with the course of the stars, you should mark the following months with a red heart in your calendar: April, June, August and October.


If you are a real Capricorn, the topic of career is important. You want to make a career. This is written above your zodiac sign. In 2025, it looks like the heavens are making you a mountain of offers. You can make it, improve your professional position and earn more money. Planet Jupiter counts as a pioneer in astrology. It moves into a position exactly opposite your zodiac sign on June 5 and remains there until the end of the year. This means that everything will be better for you now. Jupiter accompanies you, shows you the way and gives you tips for your career. Venus, on the other hand, the planet that rules the year 2025, is already helping you in April. You get a great offer. Then there's Saturn. It is your personal ruler planet. That's why it's particularly important. This Saturn moves into a position in the zodiac sign of Aries from June. This will help you to overcome resistance. Your stars will also support you when you are no longer working. You may find a great part-time job. In any case, you are content and happy.


Astrology says that your magical strength is in your knee. That's why it's so important to keep your knees flexible. They need all your attention. One exercise looks like this: "Kneel on the earth. If you are not used to it, you will feel pain after just a few seconds. Nevertheless, keep going as long as you can.


You will find Aries extremely interesting in the coming year. He drives away boredom. You like Taurus. He is so sensual and cozy. Gemini is really amusing from time to time. But a relationship is not in your cosmic plan for 2025. It's probably because his element is air and yours is earth. Cancer is your favorite. But you're also afraid of his deep feelings and even more afraid of his moods. Being with a Leo is a great pleasure. But a relationship with him is maddening. He won't be told what to do. You and a Virgo are certainly not uncommon in 2025. A partnership with a Libra rarely works out. This will most likely also be the case in 2025. Saturn makes Scorpios even stronger than they already are. This causes fear, but on the other hand Scorpios fascinate you. You see through a Sagittarius immediately when he builds castles in the air. Apart from that, you get on well together. With another Capricorn, love is a fortress. He is always welcome. He brings reliability. One or two evenings with an Aquarius are great. But no more. He simply lives in a different world. The Pisces is your soulmate.


Take 2025 as a great opportunity to make more of your life. Especially when Jupiter is in Cancer, the world is open to you and you can make the most of it.


2025 is full of opportunities for you. Especially when Jupiter enters the zodiac sign of Cancer in June, everything will go better for you.


Every animal, every plant out in nature is your partner, a friend with whom you can fall in love. And you receive love in return and are no longer alone


Another thing that always helps is to bury your disappointment in a hole in your garden or somewhere in the woods when the moon is full.

Dec 22 - Jan 20

STONERock crystal
BEST DAYSaturday
SOULMATETaurus, Virgo


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