traumatic experience, abortion, early abortion, miscarriage
traumatic experience, abortion, early abortion, miscarriage
A baby growing in the womb is called an embryo in the early stages and from the 9th week of pregnancy it is a fetus. Sometimes, within the first weeks, an unwanted end of pregnancy, an early abortion, can occur, in which the heartbeat of the fetus stops and bleeding causes the dead embryo to be expelled from the womb. In most cases, this event is accompanied by emotional stress for the mother. Even if an abortion occurs due to a deliberate termination, the consequences are usually of a psychologically stressful nature, regardless of the reason for which it was performed.
To dream of a dead embryo could be very confusing and may cause fear, apprehension or terror. It could bring in a sense of painful loss. For the interpretation of the dream image "embryo dead" it is sometimes necessary to clarify what the dreamer fears to lose or to forfeit.
In dream interpretation, a dead embryo as a dream symbol points to the endangerment of goals and plans which the dreamer carries in his thoughts. There could be a possibility that the maturing development of certain ideas and intentions are not yet consciously perceived. This dream image of a dead embryo could make the sleeper aware of the fact that the not completely finished ideas are easily destructible. "Embryo dead" could indicate a planned life change that is still in a very vulnerable stage or has to do with a very delicate part of the person concerned. This dream draws attention to the fact that the dreamer should take a different path and also to pay more attention to his inner needs.
In addition, this dream image can be the mourning over the loss of a close person or it can also refer to a real life situation that has happened in the form of an abortion and is thus being processed in the dream. So it does not necessarily have to do with a death of someone beloved, perhaps the dreamer feels left out by someone. In addition, the dream can also be a request that the dreamer concerned should pay more attention to his health. Business and private matters should possibly be kept an eye on as well.
From the psychological point of view, the dream image of "embryo dead" reflects an extraordinary desire for security, which, due to its strong manifestation, does more harm than good, and in addition, the PERSONALITY Maturity puts a stone in the way. Possibly this person shrinks from taking personal responsibility. This dream encourages further development and points to becoming self-aware. Maldevelopments in the personality or in the life have their origin mostly in a process of the consciousness formation of the early childhood. A dead embryo as a symbol indicates that it would be beneficial to look back to one's own personal "beginnings" and thereby understand why current disturbances and adversities could occur.
Depending on the gender of the dreamer, this dream image is interpreted in a differentiated way. If a woman dreams of a dead embryo, this often expresses the unfulfillment of denied wishes and the resulting disappointment. She may also have suffered an early abortion or consented to an abortion, in which case this symbolizes unprocessed grief . Possibly the dreamer is even pregnant at the time of the dream, in which case this can be seen as a metaphor for complications and fears arising.
For men who experience such a dream, the subconscious wants to draw attention to its own wrongdoing.
Spiritual dream analysis interprets the symbol "embryo dead" as a metaphor for the fact that the dreamer seems to cling to the mental world and fears for its existence. The human nucleus, which represents consciousness, stands for the center of creation. If this essential component of mental being "dries up," then the door closes on a transcendental level.
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