combination of numbers, safe, pin, access password, encryption
combination of numbers, safe, pin, access password, encryption
A code can basically be an encrypted message or a secret combination of numbers. Nowadays, it's almost as if our entire lives were nothing but an endless series of code queues, when we consider that everyday life without a pin or code no longer exists. Starting with the already commonplace ATM card, which allows us to withdraw money at any time. But that's still the simplest, most common example, continuing with credit card codes, cell phones, e-mail access passwords, cashback cards, club cards at supermarket chains or furniture stores and online banking. For online shopping, you have to log in to each portal with a password you choose yourself. If you order something from Amazon, Zalando, etc., you have to create a new password for each portal, and so on, and this list could go on forever.
Our life is one code land of milk and honey from which there is no way out. One wonders how life before that could have proceeded in an orderly fashion. No one can remember this "Stone Age" anymore.
But we encounter codes in a completely different form. Over each cash system, by which an article runs the respective bar code is identified and thereby also appears, how much this costs and serves thus the exact identification.
Codes serve the purpose of protecting against abuse or theft. However these constantly still more tightened safety precautions already stretch every bow and complicate indeed the thief his handicraft, but also the respective rightful user sometimes.
So there are many different ways we might encounter this dream symbol in a dream. Whether on a milk carton or the code for an alarm system, what could this symbol tell us ?
From the point of view of general dream interpretation, the symbol "code" in a dream is also nothing more than a code, a coded message. If a code poses a riddle in a dream, this shows that there is something in the real waking state that the person concerned does not want to express clearly, but likes to beat around the bush, which brings out more confusion than clarity.
A diffuse or noncommittal expression may indicate that the dreamer is afraid of hurting or offending the other person by clearly expressing a certain theme. A sign code can often serve the dreamer as an admonition to take a clarifying look at the important things in life.
According to the psychological view, the dream content through the symbol "code" wants to indicate to the dreamer that the subconscious is trying to transmit a message.
Quasi it is a double message, because every dream is already an expression of our subconscious and tries to bring messages to the surface. If riddles appear in sleep in the form of a code, the dreamer should relate the entire dream situation to the real outer life and see if there is a connection and if this possibly raises an unnoticed or suppressed question in the waking world.
The spiritual dream interpretation describes the dream image "code" as UNCLARITY of the dreamer in relation to his own spirituality. He is questioning his connection to the divine.
Possibly the spiritual world still seems suspicious to him and the complete engagement with it is connected with fearful beliefs. He should practice trust and continue to surrender to the consciousness for self-development.
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