sweet smell, status symbol, luxury, wealth, boastful, self-aggrandizement, arrogance
sweet smell, status symbol, luxury, wealth, boastful, self-aggrandizement, arrogance
With the image of the cigar we associate sumptuous salons with sweetish wafts of fragrance floating in the room.
The production of cigars involves an elaborate process and thus it is understood that the price is accordingly high. This is probably the reason why cigars became a kind of status symbol.
Thus, the enjoyment of cigars counts as a not-so-cheap pleasure. Some probably also show a boastful behavior in pulling on it and want to pretend a certain status, expressing the heaviness of their wallet.
To dream of smoking a cigar does not necessarily mean that one is a cigar smoker in real life, perhaps even a complete non-smoker. What could this dream symbol possibly say about us?
According to the general dream interpretation, there are different interpretations of a cigar in a dream. On the one hand, it can reflect the ostentation of a rich person who brags about his luxury. Besides, it is also an indication of self-aggrandizement and arrogance. There is a possibility that this dream refers to the own arrogance of the dreamer himself, or to a person in his circle. In this case, the cigar wants to encourage more modesty.
In another interpretation, a dreamed cigar in sleep also illustrates a feeling of well-being and freedom from worries . The current state of life of the dreamer seems to be quite balanced and full of harmony. Furthermore, the cigar also stands for the quality of resting in oneself, for which the dreamer is extremely popular. This dream image can also be related to the professional level. The person is urged to show discretion, so that a business deal can go quietly over the stage. If one sees oneself smoking a cigar in the dream, this augurs good luck. In the Indian dream interpretation the cigar symbolizes however the admonition, which one should look more on the own health.
Other interpretations say that the dreamer leads a rather chaotic life and has an extroverted character or harbors a wish that does not come true.
If in a dream one observes cigar smoke being blown in someone's face, this stands as a metaphor for disrespect. If a woman dreams about smoking a cigar in the night, it symbolizes an unexpected change in life. If one receives a cigar as a gift in the dream scene, it is less to be appreciated and serves as a warning against cheating in everyday life.
The phallic shape of the cigar usually represents the sexuality of the dreamer. Possibly the subject has very primitive sexual preferences. Otherwise, the person longs for a fatherly friend as an advisor, who will support him with advice.
On the spiritual dream level, the cigar symbolizes a warning against arrogance, being seduced by the material-earthly. It also represents the masculine pole and that one is looking for a mentor or guide.
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